Jasmine Kang

Founder of Skinlycious – a one stop skin care solution for acne and acne-prone skin. A science geek, who has struggled with acne for 14 long years. Armed with decades of acne-fighting experience and bioscience / pharmaceutical knowledge, she seeks to find solution for her own acne-prone skin. She also takes immense joy in helping people regain confidence by solving their acne woes. Her secret ambition is to rid the world of irritating acne.

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9 Skin Care Myths Debunked

Whether it’s down to the misleading advertising that’s commonplace in today’s cosmetics industry or simply our own innate insecurities, many of us tend to have several misplaced concerns when it comes to selecting the right skin care products. Here’re some common misconceptions. 1. Skin Care Products Lose their Effects after Prolonged Usage.False! Your skin only changes […]

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Acne Scars – The Different Types of Scars and Treatments

Acne Scars There are essentially two basic types of acne scars: Red/Brown/Purple “Scars” What about the red/pink/purple/brown colored marks left on our skin when our acne is clearing and skin is healing? These are NOT scars. These dark colored marks are the result of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). It is the normal remnant of the skin’s

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Identify your type and stage of acne and discover ways to clear them

What causes Acne? Generally, acne develops when the pores in our skin get clogged with sebum, which is a type of oil produced in our skin. The excess sebum, together with dead skin cells, form a plug in the follicle. Normally, harmless bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, which live deep within follicles and pores, can infect the

Identify your type and stage of acne and discover ways to clear them Read More »

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