Do your products cause purging?
Our whole range of products, except Glow Exfoliant or Clarifying Serum, do not have any acne-fighting ingredients so they will not cause purge. The whole range helps to soothe and build up your skin barrier. It’s Glow Exfoliant and Clarifying Serum that might or might not be suitable for you and cause your acne to get worse or “purge”.
That’s why we have our starter kits and signature half face test where you need to use them separately for the first 5 days, so that you can compare which reduced your existing acne. If any one of them reduces your existing acne, then it’s working. Those new surfacing acne is normal as the acne-fighting ingredients increase skin cell turnover and help bring clogs to the surface. These clogs have already formed weeks before. For new acne to stop popping, it takes 2-3 months because a skin cell cycle takes 28 days.
And if both doesn’t reduce/flatten your existing acne, then we move you to Solution B where acne might be caused by sensitive skin.
you can read more in the below link.
In the kit, Calming Cleanser and Hydrating Serum do not have any acne-fighting ingredients so they will not cause purge. It’s Glow Exfoliant and Clarifying Serum that might or might not be suitable for you and cause your acne to get worse or “purge”.
That’s why we have the half face test where you need to use them separately and be able to compare which reduced your existing acne. If any one of them reduces existing acne, then it’s working and those newly surfacing acne is normal. For new acne to stop popping, it takes 2-3 months because a skin cell cycle takes 28 days.
And if both doesn’t reduce/flatten your existing acne, then we move you to Solution B where acne might be caused by sensitive skin.
you can read more in the below link.