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Can I apply Glow Exfoliant using my finger?

< 1 min read

Do not use your fingers to apply Glow Exfoliant directly. It doesn’t work as well as you will not get as much solution on the acne.

How to use Glow Exfoliant effectively?
Use a cotton bud or cotton pad. If you are like Jasmine, who prefers the cotton pad, this is what she does.
Take the four corners of the cotton pad and pinch it together. It will look something like the picture.

Drip Glow Exfoliant on the flat top part of the cotton pad. Spread it on your acne/pimples/whiteheads/blackheads and even those red/brown marks left when your acne is healing.
For cystic acne and blackheads, hold the cotton pad on the pimples longer, so that more solution is absorbed.

After using on one side of the face, you can inverse/flip it over and use it on the other side of your face. This helps to minimise bacteria spreading too.

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